Study in Germany - a good choice

Studying in Germany, lecture theatre, © Colourbox
If you’re looking to study or research abroad, why not come to Germany, Land of Ideas? Higher education in Germany stands for numerous innovations, increasing internationality and strong support for cutting-edge research.
Many degree programmes have already been converted into internationally recognised bachelor’s and master’s as part of the Bologna Process, and the trend is continuing. Among them are a large number of joint programmes run in collaboration with universities in other countries, as well as more than 1,000 programmes offered in English that take an international approach and are aimed particularly at international students. And the benefits of German universities don’t stop there: you’ll find quality service, good support and no tuition fees.
A varied higher education landscape
Prospective students will find high-quality programmes all over Germany that will cater for their particular interests and needs. Our 423 institutes of higher education, including universities and colleges of applied sciences, fine arts, education, theology and public administration, offer a huge choice of subjects and degree courses. There’s something for everyone in the complete spectrum of disciplines: languages, media studies, cultural studies, economics, the social sciences, art, music, theatre, design, medicine, agriculture, forestry, home economics and nutrition science. For every interest, you’ll find a corresponding course. Use the selection assistant to help you choose.